
时间:2009-07-28 | 来源:未知 | 编辑:蓝天碧云 | 点击:

[导读]:企业名称: 广州市戴丝玉内衣有限公司 企业简介:戴丝玉内衣有限公司成立于八十年代,是国内最早专业生产美体内衣的企业之一。十几年来不断开拓创新,倾力于创造舒适、健康、曲线美,拥有戴丝玉、帕丝柔珠两大国内内衣知名品牌,现已发展成为集研发、生产、营

企业名称: 广州市戴丝玉内衣有限公司
企业简介:戴丝玉内衣有限公司成立于八十年代,是国内最早专业生产美体内衣的企业之一。十几年来不断开拓创新,倾力于创造“舒适、健康、曲线美”,拥有“戴丝玉”、“帕丝柔珠”两大国内内衣知名品牌,现已发展成为集研发、生产、营销于一体的现代化专业内衣企业。 公司拥有3万多平方米现代化花园式生产厂房,员工人数近3000人,多条从德国、日本等国家引进的先进内衣生产线,产品质量严格执行ISO9001国际质量管理体系标准。公司建立了完善的营销及生产体系,以品牌化战略和优质服务面向广大消费群。 目前,戴丝玉内衣有限公司正向集团化经营模式迈进,下属广州市戴丝玉内衣有限公司、汕头市兴裕发实业有限公司和香港伊华国际内衣有限公司三家分公司;拥有广州沙河、广州龙洞、汕头谷饶三个生产基地,为集团的可持续性发展提供了充足的保障。 近年来,公司产品的市场占有率不断攀升,在国内,主要城市设立了办事处,拥有二十多家省级代理商和叁千多家终端销售网点;在国外,产品远销欧美和亚洲市场,年平均出口量超过两千万件。取得自营进出口权,标志着戴丝玉的全球化战略正悄然启动。 戴丝玉,了解女人,给的更多…… Company Profile Daisy.U Underwear Co., Ltd, which was found in 1980’s, is one of the earliest manufacturers of shaping underwear in China. The company aims at creating “comfortable, healthy and charming body curves”. As the development and creating during the past two decade, it has two famous underwear brands, “Daisy.U” and “Pasirouzhu”. Now it has developed to a professional modern underwear enterprise combining design, producing and sale. At present the company has a modern garden-like workshop of over 30,000 square meters and approximately 3,000 workers. What’s more, it has many advanced underwear production lines imported from Germany and Japan and manufactures strictly according to ISO9002 standard. At present, it has established a perfect system including producing and sale. In the face of customers, it offers brand strategy and knight service. At present, Daisy.U Underwear Co., Ltd is striding forward collectivize mode and it has three filiales including Guangzhou Daisy.U Underwear Co., Ltd, Shantou Xingyufa Industry Co., Ltd and Hongkong Yie Wah International Underwears Limited. In addition, it has three factories in Shahe Guangzhou, Longdong Guangzhou and Gurao Chaoyang to guarantee the continuable development of the brand adequately. For past years, the market quotient of the products kept rising. Now, it established a consummate retail network of more than 1000 direct sales shops, more than 20 interprovincial agents and offices in every head cities in domestic market. In the overseas market, it sells to Europe, America and Asia etc and it is 17,000,000 pieces per year. Having self-support import and export right, it makes know the globalization strategy has been started silently. Daisy.U Give U more…
联 系 人:刘小姐 城市: 广州市 省份: 广东 邮政编码: 510650

地    址: 天河区沙河镇第二工业区B座

5 公司网址:


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上一篇:佛山市南海依曼丽内衣有限公司         下一篇:广东贝佳人内衣服饰有限公司
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